Sunday, June 6, 2010

vintage bliss

this post is solely for showing off probably one of the vintage best finds of my vintage hunting life to date and more importantly passing along the message that every woman should always make room in your closet and wallet for a multitasking, fabulous, pair-with-anything dress.

i found this dress at what i like to dub 'vintage mecca' (i can't tell you the real name for fear you will go and find something must-have before i do. selfish, i know!)

this dress was too expensive, but you know that feeling of being painfully aware of future devastation that you never bought it and imagining it in your closet, so i had to have it.

since then i have worn it to a v.posh brunch dressed up with chandelier earrings and heels, birthday party, horse racing event, out and about running errands on weekends, to work paired with a blazer, and it even made it to fashion week as a primary layer in some crazy layering texture idea i had. it's the perfect dress.

and to only add to my love for my dress, kate hudson was recently spotted in nyc in the same one.


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