Easily my favorite grocery store; land of $0.99 birthday cards, superior almond milk, prettiest AND cheapest orchids (that make for a perfect hostess gift) and much cheaper but equally delicious to (snap, crackle + pop) crisped rice cereal.
While I love so many foods from there, here is my completely biased, top ten, go-to favorites...
this is an INSANELY delicious
dairy meets puff pastry gem. I would not recommend looking at the nutritional facts. we are big fans of most of their puff pasty greek-influenced frozen items, but this one steals the show
these are so tasty! they are a little thicker than your average pita chip, so they don't flake apart, but still light and airy. we have these with sweet goat cheese + fig jam or savory guacamole.
no brainer. already made. enjoy!
these just might be my all-time favorite cookie. I'm maple-obsessed and everything about this cookie is maple; cookies, frosting center and obvi the cute little maple leaf shape. they are big, hearty cookies. two, with a cup of tea in autumn is such a dreamy pairing.
super decadent + rich. all 5 of us are fans of this one. super rich, very chocolatey, and never lasts long.
while i try to make my own, this is cheap and obviously cant be easier. i fry it up with eggs for breakfast, make a crust for pizza, or my favorite thing to do is whip up a healthy fried rice. soooooo good!
ok, to be honest, these aren't my favorite. but my kids and husband love them so much, i thought they deserved a spot on here. having a true british husband who grew up on proper crumpets, he makes a good judge. in fact, he declared these to be better than ones from the mother country.
have you ever tried mochi? sooooo good. it's like a little edible mystery parcel with ice cream hidden inside. they carry so many flavors. kids love them. just a really cool dessert experience.
this is pretty on trader joe's shelves, but becoming a quick cult favorite. i put it in fried rice, on eggs, on avocado toast pr toss with sautéed greens. experiment away!
creamy, sweet (but not too sweet) and vegan! i was vegan for about a hot 5 minutes and this, along with copious amounts of guacamole, was what i lived on. pro-tip: use it as a creamer for iced coffee. aaaahhhhmazing!
* image is of NYC Trader Joe's. I can hardly believe my now suburbia self used to wait in those lines every week just to get in there!