Wednesday, March 11, 2009

the irony of the modern day Lent

We all tend to give up something that will go along nicely with tyring to improve our overall lifestyle and make us a better, more complete person (or just thinner)

This year for Lent I decided to give up an entire food group: baked goods. This really encompasses all things delicious and most of my favorite things (edible). No cookies, cakes, muffins, cupcakes, brownies and worst of all...croissants. 

The irony lies in the fact that because I gave up baked goods, I have now frequented the ice cream isle for Haagen Dazs 2 for $6 sales to ensure the freezer has tasty treats at all times - you know, just in case. I have even cracked into Stuarts "secret" UK candy stash. God certainly knows I have eaten more ice cream and chocolates this week than I ever consume in baked good. 

But I know I am not the only one. Friends and family are constantly on caffeine highs from mass quantities of iced tea, merely because they gave up soda for the next 40 days. Vodka and cranberries in lieu of wine. Glutenous meals because snacking isn't allowed. More vodka and cranberries in lieu of cigarettes. 

Perhaps next year I will take on positive habits, thoughts, additions to my lifestyle to embrace the spirit of Lent...and that way I can still eat croissants. 

Monday, March 2, 2009

shoes & syrup

(manolo blahnik 'dale')
admiring gorgeous nude patent leather 5" high heels i think of all the outfits i don't have that i could wear them with - come to think of it, i don't even own tude heels, only taupe. tragedy. i also imagine myself much taller and a bit thinner walking down madison avenue in them. this daydream is far more glamorous than what i am actually doing; schelping through madison ave slush in tretorns. i will probably never have these shoes - but they, along with the potential lifestyle, seem to consume my thoughts for the duration of my walk home from retail nightmare (a.k.a. current job)

along with these fabulous shoes i also find myself thinking of ones not so fabulous that i do have; flip flops. now i am in my flip flops on a farm in maine. (preferably a maple syrup farm, which would require harvesting in colder temperatures and therefor flip flops would not be appropriate, but these are what i imagine)
so which do i prefer: maple syrup or patent leather heels...
or, perhaps the better question - how does one make patent leather heels work on a maple syrup farm?