Saturday, February 6, 2010


First Fridays

yet another classic new york experience....well, i had to wait in line in the freezing cold of february on the UES for over an hour to experience this one...but the atmosphere was well worth the wait.

since i've moved to manhattan (circa 2007) my dear artsy & architecture friends have been trying to persuade me to go to the guggenheim museum for a friday night. i finally made it to one. and what better one to experience than the last one...EVER

once inside (which was thankfully, gloriously warm) we had to fight our way through tots high crowds, dancing wildly to the sounds of chromeo dj extraodinaire to the bar to get free, yet unforgivingly small drinks. units of alcohol consumed at guggs: 1.

we all followed the lead of my favorite red head brooklynite duo and ended up gliding up the swirling white interior. my irritation that my down jacket and scarf draped over my bag ruining both my posture and well-thought-through outfit had left me. the view was incredible. i soaked it in.

and stole a shot of a pair of picassos