it's been just over a month upstate and we've gotten pretty cozy.
there is definitely something (wonderful) to be said about living with your family. my mom loves pitching in for Nia's night time routine and is always a fresh burst of patience + energy with Nia when she gets home from work, which happens to be about when mine is worn thin from the day.
I do get sad + miss the city A LOT. although i don't miss it as much as i thought i would (perhaps not having time to with a running + climbing toddler) with stuart away lately i still get cabin fever and crave my silly walks to starbucks, the thrift furniture store + CVS around the corner. i really appreciate my city girlfriends telling me there is not much going on even though the streets are bursting with spring fever, color, must-have clothes and new brunch spots. i know they must be lying.
my first overnight stay in the city this past weekend was pretty fabulous. it included a small handful of great girlfriends, wonderful catch ups over delicious cafe au laits, a sprinkling of good shopping that you just can't find anywhere else, sipping on overpriced fancy cocktails while taking in killer views, hot pink birthday celebrating, and a stellar + trendy breakfast spot where i didn't even notice i skipped out on a mimosa. it was the most refreshing weekend i have had in months. and the zarro's black + white cookies i always bring up for my family seemed a little more cool + novelty (and surely savored more) than usual.
food. it is restaurant week here in the hudson valley this week so i think we are trying to go out somewhere friday. restaurant week up here, who knew?! aside from restaurant week, i've been out a few times already and must admit the food is SO up to par. stuart + i were both dreading the food experience outside of the city. maybe it is anxiety about not being able to check it's write up on nymag? but we have been proved totally wrong. phew!
there has been really lovely weather here the past week. kinda scary how nice + warm, but we've been trying to take advantage. we've taken Nia out for plenty of bike rides, walks around the neighborhood and playing outside. but with nice weather come bugs. i'm sure i swallowed at least three when running the other night. gross-o-rama.
this past week I offered to watch a "new" girlfriends two children for a few hours. the little boy is 4 and the little girl is 4 months. i loved that i could help out and Ben + Nia get along pretty well despite the age gap, but i also couldn't help seeing it as a test to see if i could actually handle three kiddos. the highlight of the afternoon: measuring, cooking and eating fruit + carrot stew (obvi with play food) with Ben while the girls slept. lowlight: infant Hannah crying with no quick remedy to soothe her and nia simultaneously tripping and falling on her face and therefore crying her super sad pain cry and having to hoist her up while holding the baby and actually not managing to calm either one of them down. i made sure to create an extra fancy dinner for my mom that night. and had 3 glasses of wine.
and GREAT news....a sephora is opening in the ever-so-trashy poughkeepsie galleria. i can get back to my finding-the-perfect-mascara challenge.
stay tuned, we may have more big news before next weeks update.