Thursday, January 29, 2015

pink tile bathroom

back from hiatus (once again) and bathroom projects on the brain.

i'm not even sure if I've ever mentioned our downstairs bathroom. it's huge, has great light and we have big plans for it....oh, and it's hilariously hideous!

but after we had to unexpectedly give our upstairs bathroom a facelift/makeover not quite a year ago, and therefor spending a chunk of money we didn't have, we have to put our grand downstairs bathroom plans on hold.

this is our bathroom now (like, right now. i JUST took these pictures about 2 minutes ago)

while it's slowly grown on me and i find it really funny and charming in its own way, stuart hates the pink tile. but we're not about to go and paint tile or do anything that takes too much time, money or effort, especially as the grand plans we're hoping we can do within the next 3+ years.

i had this brilliant idea last night and thought we should totally embrace the wildly dated pink + black combo and actually make that our theme and just run with it. FLAMINGOS!

so this morning i've been knee deep in "research" and found these awesome flamingo print wallpapers. 

the print needs to be fun and not too serious. can flamingos be serious?

I'm thinking it also ideally needs to have a bit of black in it to pull the colored tile in. 

this one is my favorite of the bunch, but i have no doubts will be stuarts least favorite. i also need to see how big the scale is.

shockingly, stuart is (somewhat) on board and once we order the paper, we could get the whole project done in a weekend. 

i'll keep you posted on progress. 

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