Tuesday, May 9, 2017

pink bathroom: part 2

first things first, let's get back to that pink bathroom, shall we?

while Stuart wasn't a fan of the flamingos nearly as much as I was, we settled on chic country roses to stay with the look and character of the house, but still needed something to make this 50's pink tile shine.

Also, by this point we knew we were thinking of moving soon, so wanted something less crazy and not so catered to our taste.

We knew we wanted a big print, rather than small roses buds. I loved the idea of a black background, but thought that might not attract or appeal to too many people. It had to be within the fine parameters of chic and pretty, but not old lady-ish/dated/boring.

Here are some of the options...

(all of these we found on wayfair.com. they have a really big selection)

Here's the work in progress. I obviously hired to two cutest wallpapers in town and paid them in sandwiches and cookies ;)

and VOILA! the final product...

This was a good sized bathroom with really fantastic light. While it was only a half bath, you could easily have put in a shower or a bath with just a little reconfiguration. We just didn't have the time, money or energy. 

A few other things we did to give this room a facelift was a new floor and freshen up the white trim. A clean coat of white and retouching trim is the easiest way to boost a room back to life. 

And well, if you've been following for long, this room got a floor in the first place. This bathroom, since we moved in, had no floor, just old, smelly,  sub-flooring, which I'm sure wasn't up to code nor was it attractive. 

We chose a simple, clean, light color laminate floor. Home Depot and cost under $100 for the entire room. It was those easy stick tiles (I say easy because Stuart did it, not me;)

We wanted a light color, since its a fairly small room, but the whole new look makes it look bigger and much brighter. 

We also brought in a plant, got rid of the dark medicine cabinet and put up a chic, shabby cut glass mirror. We left the sink, since it was small and sweet and there was already plenty of storage in the built-in cabinets. And we put in a new, inexpensive, white toilet. 

We were pretty pleased with how it came out and our only regret was not doing it sooner so we could have enjoyed it. Live and learn. 

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