A terrible, totally embarrassing NYC moment happened recently. Two silver linings: thank goodness I wasn't alone & thank goodness there were no surrounding fashion police as we would have for surely been arrested.
Location: SoHo (out of all little pockets/neighborhoods in manhattan, SoHo is the WORST for this catastrophe)
Partner In Crime: Elizabeth - beautiful, bombshell-esqe blonde who is commonly found in a perfect little black dress
Disaster: We had passed an Eileen Fisher; I commented that when I am in my 50's I think this brand would suit me. E had replied that she felt the same way when she was in her early 20's about Ann Taylor. The conversation continues on AT and we convince each other that we probably both have a cardigan or two in the back of our closet. In the midsts of my confession that my favorite pair of white pants are from AT who passes us but....Zac Posen.
ZP - the aaaaahmazing designer who instantly increased my Gwyneth obsession with perfectly feminine, glamorous peach-cinnamon chiffon 2007.

Yes, it was Zac Posen passed us just past the corner of W.Broadway & Prince, with a gorgeous model I might add, as I am confessing to a pair of white AT pants as my go-to summer item.
(Perhaps a third silver lining; I forbid the use of the word "slacks")
E & I are still recovering.
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